Where to meet cool, informed people in automotive tech - Silicon Valley

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By Liz Slocum Jensen March 20, 2018

People ask me what Silicon Valley-based events are worth checking out for automotive technology. These groups have recurring events run by people I enjoy spending time with.

Women in Autotech This is a fun, welcoming group of ladies that foster women and empower by example. Contact Michelle Avary (on the website) to get on her email list for event announcements. There are a few requirements to join:  “Be a woman. Or being willing to show up in a tiara. Be fun.” Silicon Valley Automotive Open Source This is headed by Alison Chaiken, an engineer at Peloton. She always knows what’s going on the space. She charges a nominal fee for the event because it helps with attendance and planning. Center for Automotive Research at Stanford University  They have events  a few times a year that are open to the public - with talks that range from car tech to Formula 1 racing to autonomous driving. I suggest signing up for their mailing list to receive announcements for these events.

Do you have an interesting tech event you’d like to promote? Let us know about it!