
4 Emerging Trends for the Connected Cars Industry

On October 4, I presented a State of the Industry: Connected Cars webinar for ReadWrite Labs. Together, we released a Connected Cars Landscape, which is an update and expansion from the landscape published with in 2016.

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WATCH: Interviews of 25 IoT Experts on #IoTDay

Update: You can watch the full seven hour stream here. I speak about the connected cars and autonomous vehicle startups space at 1:22:45. Monday, April 9, 2018 is IoT Day! Join the YouTube livestream of The IoT Show by Sudha Jamthe .

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Where to meet cool, informed people in automotive tech - Silicon Valley

People ask me what Silicon Valley-based events are worth checking out for automotive technology. These groups have recurring events run by people I enjoy spending time with. Women in Autotech This is a fun, welcoming group of ladies that foster women and empower by example.

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